Resource Library

  • Sunscreen Should be Applied Daily

    Sunscreen should be applied daily as sun damage can occur anytime of year, even when it’s cloudy.
  • What are Vitiligo Treatments?

    Vitiligo is a loss of the pigment producing cells of the skin, either because they die or they quit working entirely. It can be caused by an autoimmune problem; that’s…
  • What are Facial Fillers?

    So facial fillers or soft tissue fillers are injectable products that are FDA approved for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and creases. So often times patients will…
  • What are Melasma Treatments?

    Melasma is a very common type of condition we see here in the office. It is a very frustrating condition that affects women more often than men. It’s often described…
  • What is Botox?

    Botox is a prescription chemical that is derived from botulinum toxin but is not botulium toxin. Does not cause Botulism. When performed by a trained medical professional, it is highly…
  • What is Laser Resurfacing?

    Patients sometimes come in to us asking for ways to improve their overall skin appearance. And so, we like to discuss ways to address that, and one of the most…
  • What is a Chemical Peel?

    Sun damage can have many presentations on the skin. Some of the most common presentations of chronic sun damage include abnormal texture and color to the skin. When a chemical…
  • What is Cryotherapy?

    Cryotherapy is another treatment used for pre-cancerous lesions of the skin, as opposed to the topical medicines that are used as a field treatment for skin cancer. Cryotherapy involves directly…
  • What are Prescription Medications for Skin Cancer?

    Actinic keratoses are the precursors to squamous cell skin cancer. About 1 in 10 of these lesions will progress to squamous cell skin cancer. There are various treatment modalities that…
  • What is Electrodessication & Curettage?

    Electrodessication and curettage is a procedure used for the treatment of skin cancers. It’s most commonly used for superficial skin cancers usually on the trunk and extremities. A scraping is…