Arizona Dermatology
September 8, 2022
Knowing your skin type is the first step to caring for it. This knowledge lets y…
The largest organ in our body, surprisingly, is our skin. This big surface does…
August 30, 2022
There is a major trend in self-care right now. Our Instagram feeds are crawling…
August is the unofficial Free Radical Damage Month when the majority of free rad…
Psoriasis is a multifactorial, auto-immune disease. The exact reasons behind pso…
Do you know the medical term for a hair doctor? If you said ‘dermatologist,’ you…
August 29, 2022
What is alopecia areata? Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that affects…
July 26, 2022
Summertime means beaches, barbecues, and baseball, but it also means skin-wrecki…
July 13, 2022
No toxins, comedogenic additives, or sensitizing fragrances – a good sunscreen s…
July 7, 2022
It’s easy to forget about some of our most vulnerable spots when we’re applying…
Even if you’re vigilant about UV protection 99% of the time, one unprotected day…
Here are 10 common habits that can jeopardize even the best acne treatments….