Psoriasis Treatment
If you’re suffering from psoriasis, you’re not alone. Nearly 7.5 million people in the United States suffer from this common skin disease, most of whom have suffered from it their entire life. Psoriasis is a term that encompasses a group of chronic dermatological disorders that affect any part of the body, but most frequently affect the scalp, elbows, knees, hands, feet and genitals. Most cases of psoriasis involve an itching and/or burning sensation, scaling and crusting of the skin. Psoriasis is not contagious and is triggered when the immune system mistakenly activates a type of white blood cell known as the T cell. This causes skin cells to grow faster than normal and the body does not shed the excess cells so they begin to form on the surface of the skin. There are a variety of triggers that cause the body to start producing skin cells too quickly such as stress, strep throat, winter weather, or severe sunburns. Types of psoriasis and their symptoms include:
- Plaque psoriasis (most common): raised, thickened patches of red skin covered with silvery-white scales.
- Pustular psoriasis: pus-like blisters.
- Erythrodermic psoriasis: intense redness and swelling of a large part of the skin surface.
- Guttate psoriasis: small, tear-drop like lesions.
- Inverse psoriasis: smooth red lesions in the folds of the skin.
There are many treatments for psoriasis depending on the type and severity of the symptoms. Read about some of the psoriasis treatment options that Arizona Dermatology offers below, and schedule an appointment to find the best treatment option for you.
Corticosteroid Injections
A light corticosteroid can be injected into unsightly psoriasis plaques by one of our board certified dermatologists for quick healing. The chemical injection works to reduce inflammation and size of plaque.
Biologic Therapy
Biologic therapy treatments work on the immune system to block proteins that contribute to the psoriasis disease process. Biologics are made from living organisms and have proven to successfully treat psoriasis for those who haven’t had much success with other treatments options. Biologic medication is used for moderate and severe psoriasis and is offered as a simple injection or by intravenous (IV) infusion. By doing so, biologic therapy reduces the major effects of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis such as swelling and inflammation.
Phototherapy encompasses a range of treatments that use ultraviolent light to slow the rapid growth of new skin cells caused by psoriasis. We offer two types of phototherapy treatments to help reduce the symptoms and manage your psoriasis efficiently. All treatments must be performed regularly in our office to receive the best possible results.
1. Ultraviolet Light B (UVB) – The Ultraviolent B treatment is a light source that enters the skin and effectively slows the growth of cells caused by psoriasis. The light source is delivered as short wave ultra-radiations and can treat multiple areas of the body. Increasing the doses of this treatment can lead to faster results, but may cause the area to discolor and slightly itch for a short period of time. The UVB treatment is performed on people with moderate to severe psoriasis. Take the first step to removing your symptoms of psoriasis by scheduling a consultation and learning how the UVB treatment can help you.
2. The Psoralen + UVA treatment encompasses two light sources that are present in the natural sunlight. Psoralen is a light sensitizing medication taken orally in addition to the UVA light source. Unlike UVB, UVA delivers successful results for psoriasis when matched with Psoralen. Together, referred to as PUVA, the two treatments slow down the overproduction of skin cells and relieve patients from the effects of psoriasis. PUVA treatments must be performed in our office on a set schedule in order to reach the best possible results. This treatment option may be just what you need to put a stop to the effects of psoriasis and enjoy healthy skin at last.